Further coaching

Looking for further coaching beyond mental fitness?

If you’ve completed the program or have individual requirements, I offer ongoing coaching support. Coaching programs typically run for 6 weeks, 3 months or 6 months to achieve the best outcomes.

Leadership Coaching

Are you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and “used” by the demands of the system?

Are you facing leadership challenges, like staff retention, managing an underperforming team or stress and burnout?

Or are you constantly grappling with reactive emotions and relationship struggles?

Whatever it may be, my leadership coaching targets the unique challenges, aspirations and needs that come with a leadership position. We’ll work on your inner self, so you can successfully show up and lead others – allowing both you and your team to thrive and flourish.

*PQ® program is the foundational framework for all coaching – I recommend you complete the 6-week program before we continue further leadership coaching.

Individual Coaching

Are you experiencing big life changes, like a career transition?

Are you grappling with feelings of stress, burnout, imposter syndrome or a lack of confidence?

Or do you need guidance on how to handle conflict and difficult conversations?

Whatever you’re facing, individual 1:1 coaching is tailored to you. Together, we can master your internal world of thoughts and emotions, empowering you to thrive in your external world.

*PQ® program is the foundational framework for all coaching – I recommend you complete the 6-week program before we continue any individual coaching.

Stress Management Coaching

Are you feeling the weight of stress in your personal or professional life?

Are you struggling to manage your stress – leaving you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted?

Or is stress negatively impacting your work, relationships and personal life?

Stress management coaching will help you build insights and practical strategies to navigate life’s pressures and build long term resilience. Together, we can equip you with the tools to manage stress and respond to life’s challenges with calmness and ease.

*PQ® program is the foundational framework for all coaching – I recommend you complete the 6-week program before we continue stress management coaching.

Burnout Coaching

Are you facing long-term stress, burnout or exhaustion?

Do you KNOW you’re burnt out, but you’re continuing to push through it because you don’t know how else to cope?

Or have you experienced burnout before, and now you want to get ahead of it so you don’t end up there again?

Through burnout management and prevention coaching, we’ll establish the root cause of your burnout and apply sustainable strategies for ongoing recovery. Together, we can process your priorities, restore balance, establish boundaries and foster self-care practices to prevent burnout – for good.

*PQ® program is the foundational framework for all coaching – I recommend you complete the 6-week program before we continue burnout coaching.

“I went to Mary to help me to think about how I could further improve my leadership capabilities. I didn't have any idea how valuable she would be to me. She has an incredibly practical and down-to-earth approach that she uses to somehow draw out exactly what is needed.

The leadership frameworks and ways of thinking that she introduced me to have made not just a difference to the way I work, but also a difference to the way I think in general.

A surprising side benefit of what she has taught me is the greater sense of peace or calm that I now have when confronted with difficult challenges. I have never seen anyone work the way Mary does.”

-Chief Operations Officer, Healthcare

“I have been feeling burnt-out. It’s been an extremely stressful time in health care with the staff shortages and demands of others to do more with less. With this program, I have become less reactive and much more able to manage myself and the situations I’m in. I’m not afraid to speak up and have the difficult conversation. I’m also more empathetic to myself and others.

Thank you so much for this opportunity – it’s life changing.”

- Nurse Unit Manager

About Mary Rankin

Founder. Coach. People person. 

I’ve been a leadership and team development coach for 20 years (long before ‘coaching’ was common). Today, I combine my in-depth experience in the healthcare sector and corporate teams, a good dose of humour, and a deep love for giving people the tools they need to achieve their full potential.

Get in touch today

It starts with a conversation. Fill out my contact form and we’ll arrange a time to chat.